Tuesday, July 1, 2008

International SOS

Five days and I'm on my way! There seems to be an endless list of things to do before I go, which ironically grows rather than shrinks each day. For example, I am currently waiting for the latest updates to install on my computer, so I can then install the latest security software. I guess the Munich IP Law Center and Max Planck Institute are very protective of their network. Rightly so. Last week I registered through George Washington University's International Travel Insurance. Then this morning, realized that I have similar insurance through my International Student ID account. Then, of course I made sure that I had property and liability insurance abroad from my local insurance company, and found a doctor in Munich that is in my medical insurance network. Think I'm prepared?? Maybe, but the fact that each one of these companies mentioned being airlifted out of the country in case of a medical or political emergency just makes me nervous. At least it's a fully developed country and I've had all my shots - haha.

With all that still has to be done, I admit that I am getting excited! I'm even getting a little (I'm not a complete nerd!) excited to study again. I have received all of my books with the exception of the study guide. But for those who know me, if I don't know what a patent or trademark is by now, well, I should have been fired six years ago. Fellow Mitchellites that have returned from study abroad have tried to impress upon me the minuscule importance of the course work in comparison to the experience of the country. This may be true, but I would love to have certain letters stamped on my transcript from GW Law : ). Will it be a challenge to fit certain little letters in with experiencing the fullest of Munich and beyond? Yes, but when have I not welcomed a little discomfort. Game on! Stay tuned to see what unfolds. I have been known to survive on 1.5 hours of sleep. However, I am old now ... if I run out of EUR I don't think they would hire me as a table dancer in the clubs anymore ... [sigh] those were the days ; ).

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