Saturday, July 26, 2008

Barriers & Birthdays

This clip is true it's almost not funny - okay, it's pretty funny :). Whoever said that everyone speaks English in Germany is sadly mistaken. The younger population does usually speak English, although if you ask them, they are reluctant to admit it. On the first day I arrived, in the store at the airport, I asked if the sales lady could speak English... she said, "not really, but she could try if I really wanted her to". Whatever! Case in point - this clip is right on. (Thanks Bryce!)

This clip is just plain hilarious! And a message for the lady that works at the AIRPORT... she was such a liar.

Last Saturday was the Munich 850th Birthday Celebration! A group of us planned to meet up at Odeonsplatz at 9:00 PM to enjoy the festival. The place was absolutely crazy!! With a lack of cell phones, we all got split up. Luckily I found Brain and we were able to watch the show in the rain :). I met up with the others the next morning at the Central Station to go to the castles, and they had a different experience at the festival. There were concerts, techno music etc. going on all over the streets, and they were there. The above video is of the performers rehearsing for the evening's show at Odeonsplatz where it was held. This is a great video to get a sense of where I have class everyday...

This was an amazing performance. She was actually dancing on the side of the church!! The entire show was over 2 hours long, and consisted of the history of the city of Munich. Munich was incidentally hit by multiple waves of the plague. Brain and I discerned that her performance signified the devil's/death's want to take the church and the people's faith. The videos for this part of the show were of medieval drawings of the plague... kinda yucky.

This was another great part of the show I found courtesy of YouTube :). The pictures on the screen are of the great Kings of Bavaria. I hope you enjoyed these little movies... I should stop procratinating and get back to my papers :).

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