Here is Andrea, me, Denise and Trent at dinner that night. There were two bottles of wine instead of one and lots more Ouzo. I was bad off at the end of the evening...
We invited three professors out to dinner with us that night. Luckily I only had one of them for class, Prof. Carroll. He taught Internet Law. Above is the director of the program, Prof. Brauneis. With him (and Deanne, on the right) is Germany's version of a bachelorette. Instead of just an evening out with the girls, these would be brides have to work for their wedding. They go from venue to venue, U-Bahn stop to U-Bahn stop selling little things to make money for the wedding/honeymoon/home. They sell items like breath mints, gum, condoms, whatever. It can get pretty funny. It looks like Prof. Brauneis isn't going to participate : (.
The next morning, all hung over, I dragged myself to the European Patent Office, and subsequently got sick... from all of that red wine and Ouzo - blah. But really, that was an experience in itself. How many can say that they got sick at the EPO right in the middle of a lead examiner's long (very long) lecture?? No worries, I made it to the restroom : ). By that evening I felt tip top again and was able to work on one my papers.
Many folks left that same morning (some as hung over as I) for various places throughout Europe, including Rome and Amsterdam. For me, I was planning on going to Rome with Tom and felt the need to work a little bit. I stayed in Europe an extra week while other students were planning on heading back to the States and knew I wasn't going to work on any papers the last week I was there. I was strolling through Marienplatz that weekend in solitude and stopped to listen to these muscians. This was nothing unusual. There were always musicians somewhere, and they were good too. Quite unlike the NYC subway crowd : ). Okay, better go crash - work AND two classes tomorrow - I'm back - ugh!